
"In November 2022 I contacted Clare for helping me with some unprocessed emotional trauma that hindered me for decades. Prior to this, I sought therapy with other experienced counsellors, whose techniques did not help me entirely (mostly talk therapy); this process though, allowed me to understand, after some research, that EMDR was the technique I was looking for.

Clare has a very strategic yet flexible approach that she tailored to my needs; with a vast knowledge and experience, she initially proposed CBT to identify which areas the EMDR could be applied. The former allowed me to identify some core- beliefs that needed addressing and she provided me with the coping skills and tools for dealing with these. The latter felt an uneventful couple of sessions that over time, very subtlety, has worked magically since, in a way that I find difficult to describe... I can confirm that I feel more content, free and in control of my life than I have ever felt.

Overtime, other layers have showed up, and some top up sessions will be required. But with a much higher levels of self -love.

Thank you so much Clare."

Sep 2023, Mechanical Engineer - Warwickshire


"I just wanted to touch base as I was thinking about our sessions last year, I can't thank you enough for the help you gave me and techniques, you helped me so much when I was at my lowest point.

I feel so much better in life now, I still have good and bad days but don't we all!

That was all really, I'm just grateful there are people like you out there to turn to for help."

Feb 2023, Sales Director - Warwickshire


"I started EMDR with Clare in August 2021 with three destrucive and compulsive behaviours that I had lived with for nearly 40 years. I ranked each one 10/10 in terms of how miserable they made me and how much they affected my life on a minute by minute basis. As Clare took me through the stages of EMDR, their grip began to lessen. The process was very much mutual and based on what I felt I needed to work on each time. It took time but I can say that with Clare's help,her expert understanding of my conditions and of the brain, as well as how EMDR works, my compulsions are in a different league, some not featuring regularly on a daily basis and some only appearing as a 2 or 3 on the severity scale. I never thought I would get to this point, I never thought I would be free, and now I am. Totally life changing. Thank you Clare."

Jan 2023, Head Teacher - Warwickshire


"A lot has happened over the past 12 months and I have been able to manage it well. This is entirely down to the work that we did together and the strategies you taught me, I would not have been able to manage in the last 12 months without these. I am so grateful to you for the work that we did together. I do not say this lightly when I say it changed my life; it has ensured that I can tackle the world head on and reach my true potential. The lessons you taught me have enabled me to no longer be a victim but a survivor and for that I will always be eternally grateful. I am incredibly proud of the journey I have taken and how far I have come, you were instrumental to my progress and me being the person I am today. I often sit down and think "What would Clare say?" when I find myself in spirals of depression or catastrophising and as always your voice of reason pulls me together. Thank you for everything Clare."

Mar 2021, Teacher - Warwickshire


I could never thank Clare enough for the help and support she has given to me in our sessions. I came to Clare following ongoing family trauma and after each of our sessions I felt the weight finally lifting from my shoulders. Through EMDR Clare allowed me to process my memories in a safe and caring environment, helping me rewire how I saw past experiences. I have now been left with practices that I can use throughout my life and will be forever grateful. I highly recommend Clare to anyone who is struggling and needs a kind and considerate therapist to help them.”

Jan 2021, Marketing Executive - Banbury


“I approached therapy fairly sceptical that it would work for me, however Clare took me on my EMDR journey that became a stark realization of past traumas impacting my day to day life. We went at my pace and Clare was flexible every session concentrating on issues as they arose. Clare helped me understand my core beliefs and we pieced together where they all came from, that was the starting point of being able to make changes. The techniques Clare taught me were more effective than I expected and something I will use always, my safe space is now my sanctuary at the end of a stressful day. EMDR all seemed a bit to good to be true and I was sceptical it would work with me due to traumas being so long ago, however something must have worked because now I’m at peace with so many memories and although I still have to work on anxieties I understand them and I’m able to rationalize what I’m doing. I have a clarity about myself and I’m happy with who I am, I’ve even learnt to love my inner demon! Thank you Clare “

Aug 2020, Client - Coventry


" Clare has been expertly balancing between listening empathetically to my constantly distracting thoughts and gently guiding me towards the path of progress. I found It easy to speak to her and genuinely feel I’ve made an improvement under her guidance. I also gained a bit of confidence in speaking my mind, not undermining the things I’ve gone through and setting boundaries with people.

I loved our consultations. "

Jan 2020, Musician - Stratford Upon Avon


"I will be forever grateful to Clare for the help and support she provided me while I saw her. From our first session, I knew I was sat opposite a women who wouldn't judge me, who was willing to help me get to the bottom of the reasons I was feeling anxious and depressed on occasions. Through various strategies, including EDMR therapy, Clare has helped me to feel as though my brain as been rewired, and she has provided me with strategies to become a more positive and forward looking individual. Plucking up the courage to see Clare is the best investment I have ever made in myself. So to anyone doubting whether to take the plunge or not, take it! Thank you ever so much Clare."

June 2019, Teacher - Warwickshire


"I started seeing Clare in my last year of school when I was struggling with feelings of anxiety. I felt under pressure from my upcoming A level exams, and I experienced a build up of certain events which increased my anxiety levels. I was having frequent panic attacks and I had no idea how to deal with them. Talking to Clare was an important outlet for me, and she really helped me understand my problems. I’ve always found it hard to talk about my feelings but Clare is so easy to talk to. Through CBT I learnt methods on how to deal with my feelings of anxiety, and to not let them hold me back in my everyday life."

May 2019, Student - Warwickshire


"I contacted Clare at a very low point in my life when successive events left me feeling very lost and hopeless. I couldn’t move on from the past or face the future. It was a dark and frightening time. Clare had an immediate and positive impact on me. With reassurance, compassion and a complete lack of judgement she quickly identified the issues I was dealing with and gave me a safe space to work things out. I was able to talk about things to her that I couldn’t talk to anyone else about. She challenged me when I needed it, but was always supportive and insightful. She gave me simple ways to manage the bad times, to be calm and kind to myself and to help me have the courage and self belief to take forward steps again. Since working with Clare my outlook has completely changed for the better and I have a real sense of hope and optimism for the future. I now know, and believe, that I can manage the bad times and create good times for myself. Since working with Clare I have been able to make really positive and life changing decisions which previously seemed impossible. And I can now see the past with some perspective. Life still isn’t always easy but I can now face forwards again. I really can’t thank Clare enough and would have no hesitation in recommending her counselling to others."

Sep 2018, Finance Director - Warwickshire


"Clare provided much valued support and counselling to me. I found the process structured and beneficial- issues were worked through in sequence and readdressed when necessary. I found the process of understanding what was really behind my feelings and issues key to making real progress. I personally needed to understand the drivers, baggage and trigger events in order to be able to manage events and issues in my life more successfully. I found the process of recognising the issues likely to trigger depressions very helpful and have allowed me to almost completely avoid reoccurrences of that aspect/issue since. I found Clare easy to discuss issues with which I’d completely failed to discuss with anyone else. I’m not saying that the process was easy but I think Clare made it about as easy as it was ever likely to be."

Jun 2018, Solicitor - Warwickshire


"I must admit, after suffering with anxiety and depression for many years, I was sceptical about how beneficial CBT would be for me (and had put off trying it for many years). How wrong I was. The work that Clare has done with me has changed my life and I am now able to live a fulfilling life, with strategies to cope with those times when things get on top of me. Thank you."

May 2018, Teacher - Stratford Upon Avon


"I came to Clare after a period of repeated traumatic events throughout my life. Eventually they came to a head, which resulted in very, very low self-esteem, panic attacks, PTSD and anxiety. Clare helped me to reconnect with my self in a calm, spiritually healing way. She made me feel back to normal, strong and confident in myself! I had CBT, which helped me to alter my thought process to positive thoughts about myself rather than always thinking of the negative. I also had EDMR therapy, which helped to process the traumatic events. It was a very weird experience but as if by a miracle, after a couple of sessions of EMDR I suddenly woke up and had this feeling of calm. I just knew that the therapy had worked. I can never thank Clare enough for what she’s done for me, would highly, highly recommend her!"

Jan 2018, Hairdresser - Stratford Upon Avon


"When I first reached out to Clare, I was suffering from PTSD, following a horrific experience at work. From our first session, I felt Clare understood everything I was saying (and not saying) and she helped me to better understand the PTSD symptons I was living with. Over time, with a few EMDR sessions, and some "just talking" sessions, she helped me to recover. I now feel more relaxed and grounded in all aspects of my life, better than I have felt for many years. Another aspect of Clare's healing approach was to remind me of the importance of re-connecting with my spiritual practice and my creative work, both of which are an integral part of who I am, and both of which I had lost connection around the trauma. I highly recommend Clare to anyone who is dealing with any crisis in their lives, and committed to recovering and growing beyond the crisis."

Jan 2018, Artist - Warwickshire


"I came to Clare feeling completely lost and physically drained. Very quickly with Clare's professional assessment I began to realise I was trapped in a cycle of visiting the same emotionally negative past experiences in my life and responding physically to them as if they were happening today. Clare explained how Trauma is stored in the body and if not processed correctly the harm on a daily basis it can cause. I have just completed Trauma therapy which involved sessions of EMDR and for the first time in my life I feel grounded and at peace. The Trauma feels very distant and controllable so much that at the very few occasions that it does revisit me I just laugh at it! I was very apprehensive to receive EMDR concerned about what Trauma I may revisit and where it would take me. Throughout the whole process Clare was honest and I was taught coping strategies that made me feel safe. EMDR has completely changed my life in so many ways."

Mar 2017, Nurse - Warwickshire


"Clare helped me after an traumatic and stressful split with my estranged wife. I was feeling very upset and needed some assistance in dealing with the stress. She recommended I have a 6 week CBT therapy. She was excellent at understanding the complexities of what I was going through and empathised with the situation even better than my closest friends. It was so helpful talking to her and the CBT course just helped me to think, stop and reflect on situations before acting which hopefully I should be able to put in to practice to improve my character in the longer term."

May 2016, Business Man - Warwick


"Clare is very easy to talk to and has a very calming manner. She explained the CBT process clearly and we worked through the steps over the course of six weeks. I feel more able to tackle some of the issues that were inhibiting me and have been able to return to work with a lot more confidence. Thank you Clare!"

May 2016, Solicitor - Leamington


"I have been receiving counselling and CBT from Clare for the past few months, I highly recommend her as she has guided to help understand my issues surrounding food and my feelings and thoughts towards it. I am now able to enjoy eating again and I have control not only over my food but my life. Clare's holistic approach has opened doors to my life I never knew of and I am now on a further journey towards my higher being. Her genuine love and kindness for others shines through. Thank you."

Jun 2016, Sports Massage Therapist - Warwick


"I find it very difficult to trust people but Clare made me feel comfortable from the offset and I can't thank her enough for all her support through the past few months, she's really helped me realise my potential."

Apl 2016, Adolescent – Stratford-Upon-Avon
